Monday, June 19, 2017

Hidden Orchestra - Dawn Chorus (2017 Full Album Instrumental Leak MP3 Download)

No intro. Get to it.

First Light
Ambient gong and birds. I need more ambient gong. A little build and then quiet rustling…piano. This is a little bit movie score but it’s a solid intro so I’m reserving judgement. If the whole thing is A River Runs Through It: The Score then I should know by four songs in. I don’t like fishing.

Western Isles
If it’s a score, the movie just got way more interesting. There’s a little bit of a western vibe but continuity from the birds in the last song. I really like that the birds sound organic but then occasionally are manipulated to become part of the rythm. I don’t totally love the drumming style but most everything else about this is solid. Hmm…it’s turning into Squarepusher. Which I like, but I don’t know fits with what was just happening. At least there’s no fishing.

That’s nice and clicky. CROW BEAT! BEATS BY CROW! Three songs with birds makes me think this will continue all the way through and I’m not opposed to that. Using organic sounds mechanically doesn’t get done very often and it’s working well, especially on this song. It’s sparse and melancholy but bounces between dark crows and light twittering. Now there’s a cop show vibe. CROW COPS! ARRESTS BY CROW! And now it’s the finale to a television legal drama? The last few minutes of this song don’t know what they want to be. I think there’s even some klezmer in there.

The Lizard
Hey, more birds. They’re playing with a radio.  Does all modern instrumental music struggle with staying interesting through a full song? Just make your songs half as long, ya dingus! Songs with vocals don’t just try something completely different midway through and you shouldn’t either. I hope this song doesn’t change tones/themes halfway through. That last song left me worried. Especially since this is starting out with some nice static-y clicks and whirs. Dead stop almost exactly halfway through…uh oh…wh || …no clue what I was going to say. Maybe that the dead stop wasn’t so bad and it went right back to what I was already listening to instead of A WHOLE NEW SONG like some other instrumental acts like to do.

Long Orchard
Not that long. Only four minutes and 57 seconds. More birds. They’re really sticking with it. They can’t back down now. Some people talk very loudly. Louder than instrumental music with actual changes in dynamics. VOLUME UP, BIRDS! The strings were a little annoying at first but between the timpani/horn and the build of the string repetition this is one powerful and catchy song. With a rooster at the end, because a rooster is a bird too.

Are those tropical birds? I think they’re on fire. Or maybe just next to a fire. Jazzy flaming jungle birds whacking a triangle with their wings. This didn’t do much for me. It felt like dentist office music, if the dentist office was full of burning birds.

Well of course, song name! At some point those birds have to stretch. Someone is ringing the dinner bell (triangle again?) for them. HEY BIRDS, COME EAT YER PSEUDO-JAZZ! There are a lot of melancholy strings and SO MANY BIRDS. This is pretty ambient and at 12 minutes it really better go somewhere. I’m already wishing those wingbeats would turn into real beats. OK, that seems to be starting. Wish granted. Strings coming in, drums, this is good for working to...but is that a jumbo panflute? Whatever that breathy pipe thing is I hate it but the rest of the song is solid. Those low notes are nice. Am I really going to write sentence fragments about specific sounds for five more minutes?


That’s some serious drumming. There’s definitely a lot of Flying Lotus happening on this album. Haha...nice. The bird and/or monkey calls used as a harsh accompaniment to the crazy drumbeat makes me smile but also bob my head. Shoot – it’s over already. One minute wasn’t enough for that song.

This is going back to the river. A River Runs Through It 2: Jungle Bugaloo. So far none of this song is working for me. They’re using pretty much the whole “stormy weather” sound effects CD. Yeah, this song can stay on the movie soundtrack and get off of this album.

East London Street
BIRDS. Even though I can’t say it worked well 100% of the time, I have to give them credit for sticking with the birds to the end. I’m kind of getting burned out on some of these gimmicks though. The fake static pulse was nice five songs ago but not so novel now. The strings are strong so far though. A little bit of a Requiem For A Dream vibe. This can only end one way. Are you ready for some bird degradation? There’s a tonal shift around four minutes, but thankfully not a total song change. I’m still waiting for this to go the way we know all bird addictions eventually go. About three minutes left and I thought this was going to build to something major but it’s just been random birds and cracking for a while now. I guess that’s all I get.

Final rating: Say you have five birds, a bucket of flammable liquid, and five matches. You pour the liquid on the birds and light the matches, reducing the birds to greasy ash. If you divided the ash into five equal piles, this album is about as good as THREE GREASY PILES OF BIRD ASH OUT OF FIVE. It had the potential to be an even bigger pile of blackened toucan but a few of the songs are pretty misguided and out of place on an otherwise-cohesive album.

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