Monday, June 5, 2017

Ulrika Spacek - Modern English Decoration (2017 Full Album Leak Download SO MANY PEDALS)

I realized I was saying “I don’t know anything about this…” at the start of every review and that’s ridiculous.

(follow-up warning - the album description on the Bandcamp page is about as pretentious as it gets)

Mimi Pretend
I like this Cure nice-goth from the early 80s guitar sound. They’re singing through a Strokes megaphone, but softly. Repetitive snare hits and strumming the same two notes over and over – so far so good.

I dig that reverb (I always will) but the vocals are a little moribund. Like a British sketch comedy making fun of goths without having ever actually interacted with a goth kind of moribund. Somehow the song gets way more sparse by the last half. I don’t think I like this one but now I’m pretty sure I listened to it twice by mistake.

Dead Museum
Sparse might be the name of the game here. I don’t actually have a problem with that but two things are pulling me out of the minute-plus intro – the fact that someone is sporadically laughing loudly next to me and the intensity of the snare drum. I don’t usually keep my music volume too loud but maybe now is the time. VOLUME UP BEEP That’s better. The snare fades into the mix once the nice fuzzy guitar starts. This is definitely more my speed than the last song. I wish it built a little more so the distortion was coming in waves by the end (like Th Faith Healers) but it’s still OK. I don’t like the whammy bar outro though.

Better be about Bowie. I don’t know how it couldn’t be. Here comes that bastard snare drum. There was a nice echoing vocal effect and now all I can hear is the stupid snare. About 90 seconds in all the fuzz goes away and it actually works really well. Even though pretty much nothing new happened in the last four minutes of the song I really enjoyed it.

Everything, All The Time
This one’s a little more rock-like. In a bad way. They used the distortion cutting out trick again and it didn’t work as well this time. I hate this snare drum so much. This song wasn’t good.

Modern English Decoration
This is where this band seems to be at their best. Mild and repetitive, not trying too hard. This song sounds like old Dandy Warhols with the complex layering removed. Not bad at all. The cutting in and out of the distortion and fuzz effect can get a little irritating because it’s not done with a lot of finesse but I could definitely listen to this song again.

Full Of Men
I’m kind of feeling like this has just been the same three songs repeating, which isn’t impossible considering one of them repeated without me realizing it earlier. This one is back to snare central and 5,000 different guitar pedals changing in and out with no real reason. This song is a total mess and that SNARE IS STIL TAP TAP TAPPING.

Saw A Habit Forming
They’re definitely better when they just find something that works pretty well and repeat it for five minutes. I can’t hear a single word being sung but that’s fine. If their strength was in the lyrics they probably would have pushed them to the forefront a little more.

Victorian Acid
That underwater effect on the vocals is ridiculous. It belongs in The Incredible Mr. Limpet, not a shoegaze song. As much as I hate the snare drum on this album, I think it’s greatest failing is the fact that they have 50 different effects and can’t stop themselves from using them all on every single song. I can’t even hear the rest of the song because of the burbling sounds of the little mermaid’s backup choir.

Protestant Work Slump
That is a super loud and clear guitar after the last song where the guitar was strangled by an octopus and then buried at the bottom of the sea. Thankfully, this final song seems to be more in line with the songs from the album I’ve liked better. I’m not going to go with “best” because there’s a crummy interlude with warbling high-pitched vocals and a ton of snare drum. There’s more groove than not and those are the times when I can ignore the snare drum most. I wonder if I would have liked this album better if it had been mixed differently. I’ll never know.

Rating: Three vicious snare drum taps out of five. Completely middle-of the road if you like repetitive fuzz (and I do). If you don’t like it than you’ll hate this album but then you’d hate anything that sounds like this so why are you even asking? Idiot.

Download links:

Google Drive

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