Friday, May 19, 2017

(Sandy) Alex G - Rocket - 2017

1) something something poison tree. Songs that start with a mumble like this drive me nuts. The sound drowns out the lyrics. Obviously, not important enough to feature on the song. This exact same effect could be achieved by humming. By the end.. this guy knows everything, and I hate everything he knows.

2) Okay this song isn't horrible. It's got an alright groove and the lyrics aren't drowned out by music. I'd give this song a solid B- on a scale of 1 to 10. So, a low 8. That's the only thoughts i have on this song. It's meh. Maybe meh+ just because I disliked the previous song.

3 - 6) okay these were kinda just background noise as I was trying to get some work done. not a whole lot to write about because I wasn't paying attention, but that sort of thing happens in a live review. Nothing we can do about it now. Nothing jolted me out of my work to make me want to write anything down. So, I guess that's a review.

7) Why... This is the song that jolted me out of work to write something down. This is... awful. I hate everything that's happening to me right now. This is just rubbish. This better be a setup to a much more relaxed song because if the rest of the album is like this, I'm not going to make it. Oh, it just gets worse and worse. Calm the hell down.

8) Yep. Exactly. Much calmer so far. Okay. so maybe that was the plan of the album. ho-hum, you know you're going to lose your audience.. So you punch them in the ear with noise and garbage. Then you try to lure them back with some repeating piano tunes. This song is okay-ish. I think I'm still upset after the previous song.

9) What in the hell is going on? This feels like a bunch of songs thrown together and we'll call it an album. I can't tell if there's a theme or anything going on here. Is it just madness? I can't understand any of the lyrics - that always makes me feel like they aren't good enough to listen to. Oh good. A ridiculous spot to throw in some distortion. So far.. I hate everything.

10) Rocket. okay title track. Show me the money.I do like this intro, but I'm pretty sure I just heard a dog's collar rattle in the background. 90% sure that's how they are making that chain noise. Maybe Sandy Alex G knows that I'm a sucker for strings. Wait.. that's it!? an instrumental track - a pleasant intrumental track with a dog collar? Sweet. Best song on the album so far.

11) Alllright. Did the album take us through 9 tracks of rubbish to get to this point? A nice acoustic guitar base, lyrics, and a voilin. yes please. Whoooa.. This song is trying to meld together so many things. I'm not sure if this is all coming together, but it's interesting. Haha - I don't know what to make of this. I... think I like it, but I want to listen to this a few more times. No time now though. Onward and upward.

12 - 14) Okay these songs worked out for me. Back to working and I caught myself bobbing my head and digging the groove as the songs went along. Nothing that pulled me out of the groove and I suspect that if I went back to listen to this set again, I'd have a similar reaction.

Overall... well, I'd say skip to the title track and go from there, then after song 14, start at song 1 and go from there. I still think I'd bail once we hit song 7. 7-9... terrible. Whoever put the album together thought that they should feature those songs in the 7-9 range, but they should have just cut them form the album.

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