Thursday, May 25, 2017

Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up (2017 Full Album MP3 Download 320 Fox Meat Eat It)

I’ll say this right out of the gate – I don’t care about Fleet Foxes. Everyone here is all gaga for them but I just don’t get it. I don’t dislike them, I just don’t care. But I’m really going to give them a chance here and so now time to listen and review.

I Am All That I Need / Arroyo Seco / Thumbprint Scar
Oh my god. I don’t know if I can take any more mumbling albums. It’s been a run of them lately so the opening mumbling isn’t getting off on the right foot with me. Real guitar strumming and singing kicks in pretty quickly so already I’m feeling better. ABRUPT STOP AT TWO-AND-A-HALF MINUTES and now back to our song. As long as they use that trick sparingly I’m OK with it. But now it happened again, this time with bird sounds. And now it’s happening more frequently. The main song part is decent but mostly sounds like a big group of hippies dancing and singing at a party and the orchestra happened to stop by for a drink. Not a lot else going on from what I can tell but that would be fine if not for the jerking. A different song just started. Like a totally different song. Why make this all part of the same track on the album? The title has three songs in it but unless the third is very short there will be only two. I think the door opening break has the same song after and the lapping waves lead to…who knows. The hippies are clapping for themselves but I’m pretty sure I only heard two songs and a lot of ambient sounds from their party.

Cassius, -
Stylized punctuation in song titles is the hot thing this year. The intro to this song has an Animal Collective vibe. Good animal collective, not the more recent stuff. These foxy foxes aren’t as good at this kind of singing as their animal buddies. I guess you need a forest to make a psychedelic folk song. Even as a so-so imitation I still prefer this over the first song. I really want this kind of music to grab me so I can sing along and/or bob my head in time but they appear to be opposed to that. Every time I get bobbing this song stops too. The family-centric chorus is catchy even if I don’t quite know what they’re talking about with “Wife, a son, a son, a son, and a daughter”.

Nice transition! Oh wait…it’s still the same song. Well, I liked the transition to a new song at around four minutes but it turns out they’re making another song sandwich.


I got distracted and a whole song and a half played without me realizing it. I only noticed because the foxy dude said “ossified”. Let’s rewind.

- Naiads, Cassadies


I instantly got distracted again. Let’s rewind.

Well this sounds pretentious. Maybe that’s why my brain let me get distracted. “Complicit” isn’t even that big of a word but the way it’s delivered here sounds like it just popped up on someone’s “Word Of The Day” calendar. Even the strings (which I normally love) aren’t doing anything for me. And the piano feels lumped on. Pretentious song name and lyrics, dull song, bad job.

Kept Woman
This sounds like the age of Aquarius. With the word “ossified”. Andrew Bird can barely pull off the 10-dollar words but these guys should stick with the five-dollar ones. There’s some aimless strumming and ambient piano tinkling over a rambling reflection on…the nature of self? That’s a reach. I have no clue because this song is putting me to sleep.

Third of May / Ōdaigahara
I had to look it up, but Ōdaigahara is a mountain in Japan. Wikipedia has no remarkable facts about it so I have to assume that one or more of the band members saw it on a trip and thought it was so great that they had to tell everyone about it using a song with a hard-to-type and (yet again) pretentious name. This song is actually pretty catchy but I spend the first two minutes learning about a stupid mountain so now that I’m paying attention I’m not heavily invested. Good thing it’s nine minutes long. Oh, and there it stopped. Because there’s probably another songburger about to be made. I’m not a fan of this song slash song gimmick. Let me peek ahead. Great news, it doesn’t happen anymore.

Good god does this song go on. I thought it was done a few times now and it just keeps jolting itself awake. Should have stuck to 3 ½ minutes.

If You Need to, Keep Time on Me
Why are select words not capitalized in the title? The structure of the title/chorus is making me nuts. It’s ||  so forced || and artificial. There’s a lot of reaching here to make sure that everyone knows just how smart this band is. I don’t care – just make a catchy song. This song is not catchy. It’s pretty much just the name of the song over a handful of piano chords. That I’ve listened to parts of like three times now because I keep getting interrupted.

What the hell, song names? I’m spending this whole album having to look you up because YOU DON’T MAKE THE SONG ANY BETTER BY BEING OBSCURE. This album is full of references designed to impress girls with things that girls aren’t impressed by. Apparently this has something to do with cryptozoology, which I should be into. This song at least doesn’t stop, go silent, and then start a new song but it still pretty much does that by overlaying two songs together. There’s kind of a light jazzy thing happening here and I don’t like it. I’m getting pretty bored.

On Another Ocean (January/June)
I feel like I’ve heard this song before but I don’t think I actually have. It’s just a song that sounds like it could be pretty much anything soft and acoustic. The songs are getting pretty sparse at this point in the album, like some of the musicians fell asleep or walked away because of all the pretentious word-dropping. It doesn’t sound stripped-down, just empty. BOOM halfway through a song starts! That’s an awful long intro to endure though. The song part of the song is decent, kind of like a non-dreamy Beach House. I guess. I’ll still choose Beach House over this every time.

Fool’s Errand
We’re back to the hippie dance-fest. As I was typing that this song was probably my favorite on the album so far there was an awkward bridge less than a minute in. My biggest issue with this album is how fickle it is – it can’t commit to any one sound or even one song. Every song is four or five parts of songs awkwardly taped together. Cheap tape at that, because things keep falling off. I no longer like this song.

I Should See Memphis
I bet this band likes some pretty cool stuff. There are lots of hints throughout the album but I feel like this is pretty overt. “I’ve heard about Memphis because lots of cool stuff I like talks about it…” But they’re that dull guy everyone knows who has great taste but no one wants to talk to him because there’s nothing there under the surface. Now that I’ve trashed them with minimal information, I’ll say that this song is doing all right by me so far. The stupid break in the music they can’t seem to stop doing still happens halfway through but it does a reasonable job of continuing the overall musical themes. Very folky with strings, probably my new favorite song on the album except for when he says “Osiris” for no reason. Honestly, I can’t remember most of the other songs.

This song went silent a minute before it was over and then some distorted echoing vocals started up. I thought it was a new song, but I guess it’s all part of this one. If you listen to it, just skip this part. I don’t know what the hell it’s supposed to be except for a way to mess up people’s mixes if they want to put this song on there.

This song is fine I guess. Big surprise, it stops almost exactly halfway through and becomes a new song. If I cared enough I’d go back and see if it really happened on every single song but I don’t care so I’m going to definitively say that it did. I'm pretty sure the album closes with the sound of someone running away.

Album rating: Two dull stars out of five. I still don't care about Fleet Foxes.

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