Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Kelly Lee Owens - Kelly Lee Owens (2017 Full Album Download 320 RAR Review)

Why isn’t there a period after the “O”? Does this stand for something or does it represent a stylized dragon in love with a pig and their tiny pigdragon egg? Listen to those gauzy, slight too-high vocals and ambient sounds. Not grabbing me. OK, here’s some electro-conga drumming so there’s at least a beat now but the vocals aren’t really grabbing me. It would help if the song could hit a groove but it isn’t happening. Oh whoa. Those are some coins falling all over that conga drum. THE END, SONG

The falling rain is much nicer than the falling coins. That first song kind of put me on edge. Oooooh! I like the Ooooooh singing broken up by tiny cuts and now this bassline is building up just fine. Busting into the actual song makes the rain go away and I’m a little sad about that. There’s a solid Juno Reactor feeling to this song (or should I say “track”? Electronic music fans always say “track” instead of “song” but I’ll stick with “song”). The rain and static are cutting in and out here and there and so far there have been no actual words. I’m a fan. At 2:30 the vocal sounds start to overlap and almost harmonize and I’m a superfan. I could listen to this song and stare at the ceiling or sky for a few hours and feel fine. A fine fan.

More dots! What does it stand for??? Is it anxiety? Because it’s making me anxious. BUM BUM BUMM sorta ominous bass beats and then here come some more humming women. Or ladies. Some women find “ladies” offensive but some ladies find “women” offensive. Oh yuck. The humming sort-of word singing was pretty nice but the spoken word stuff is a stink. About two minutes in and it all fades away to clickity-clackety Plastikman fun. This sounds like carrying balloons and running around a museum while going “eeeeaaaaaoooooouuuuu”. So far in this album I’m most in favor of the vocals when they don’t result in words. Because just before the end of this song there’s some more irritating talking. At least it’s edited into chopped up bits so I can’t really understand what she’s saying.

Well those are some pretty strings. Thanks, strings! Real words being sungspoken now that I can really understand and – GREAT NEWS – she’s saying the name of the song right away so I don’t forget it. I’m totally forgiving of that with singing but the talking aspect makes me much more critical of the content. Not that I can really tell what is being said most of the time. “Different from the rest”, “where we ought to be”, LUCID, LUCID, DON’T YOU SEE. I think. I don’t know. This song is kind of bugging me and it just did the same trick the last two did where a stronger beat comes in a minute before the end. Let’s try something different next time, Kel. Lee Ow.

 Opens with “Eevolution. Evolution.”. Tomato, tomahto? The backing beat sounds kind of like a Tim & Eric joke so I hope DJ Douggpound is on this song. Pretty fun music overall but the dispassionate minimalist talk-singing just isn’t working for me. I’m not going to be tha revolution OR see tha reevolution unless you really make me feel it. Adult. pulled this off but other than this song making me nostalgic for a Best of Rave Vol. 2 CD I had in 1996 I don’t get anything out of it. If she was even slightly more singing and/or passionate the insipid lyrics would be harder to hear and easier to leave open-ended.

That shrieking sound does kind of sound like a bird I guess. Ooh –glockenspiel! This has a very pretty intro. Now please don’t screw it up by saying “Bird. Buhrd.” over and over for five minutes. Strings! Or horns. Or both. I dunno. It’s still working though. YEAH two minutes in and still no talking. This is my favorite song so far. The beat came before the last minute of the song and it feels like an ev // I don’t remember what I was thinking it felt like. I went back and listened and it’s kind of jungle night-time wind-down hyphen-using music.

Throwing Lines
This song opens with some of the same sounds that closed out the last one. I would have liked it better if there was a more direct link but then would have been annoyed at the slight break between songs because Play Music still seems to have an issue with seamless playback. The sweeping bass tones in this song are exceedingly pleasant. The vocals are just as insipid as ever but the words fell away pretty quickly back into just “mmmmmm” and “aaaaah”. This is the sleeping in the hyphen jungle after a long day bird watching song. This song pairs very well with Bird.

The album seems to be hitting its stride. I like the timbre of everything I’m hearing with a fast but soft tapping over some bass and then NO! PLEASE STOP WITH THE RAVER SPOKEN WORD CRAP! I wonder if there’s a word-free remix of this album. I want to keep all the vocal sounds but none of the words. This song is just as strong as the last two except for the fact that she keeps talking every minute or so. I wonder if she knows how annoying it is and that’s why she’s trying to get out of the way on the cover.

Keep Walking
I just realized that the stylized dots disappeared from the song names after the first few songs. At this point I doubt they meant anything though because while the music is pleasing I don’t get a lot of “deep thoughts” from this album. This song has singing that’s close to actual singing and it’s not even so bad. Lots of held notes overlapping and even the repeated “keep walkin’” command isn’t annoying me too much. I haven’t heard the last song yet but I’m going to strongly recommend starting this album by listening from Bird to the end and then treating the first five songs as an appendix. This song does feel a little out of place after the last few since it’s more like Radiohead than Rave Til Dawn but I’ll still take it in place of some of the songs on the first half of the album.

Is that an oud? I hope it’s an oud. Or an electric zither. Some kind of strange stringed instrument. This song has a lot of build-up, which I’m more than fine with as long as no one starts talking. I’m thinking about song name meanings so I’m probably reading too much into it but is the “8” supposed to be a sideways infinity symbol? The first two minutes of the song feel like a space journey. Great news – the vocals are breathy and nonsensical, just like I like them. Definitely outer space. After the introduction I’m walking down the empty corridors of a spaceship wondering where everyone else went. I don’t think I’ll get implanted by an alien baby, just that I’ll probably die out here alone but in the long wait for the end I’ll discover so much more about myself than I ever did through all my missed opportunities back when I had human contact. OK, I love this song. The whole album should have been this. In fact, I think at almost 10 minutes this should have been its own album. The rest of the album would be the appendix, except for the first five songs which would be the appendix to the appendix.

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