Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Aldous Harding - Party (Full Album 320 FLAC MPEG DIVX Download)

The only things I knew about this album going in before writing this live review:
  • A 30-second snippet of “Imagining My Man” was interesting enough to catch my ear
  • Mrs. Rex pointed out that Aldous looks an awful lot like the ex-Mrs. Rex and as a result couldn’t make it through more than half of the video for “Imagining My Man”

“Hey man…” OK, sure. I’ll listen. What do you need, wispy but also husky-voiced woman? I hope you don’t need me to remember your name, because I keep thinking it’s “Alura” and not “Aldous”, mostly because “Aldous” is a boy’s name. You don’t sound much like a boy, but maybe I’m just being old-fashioned. I could do without the fake old-timey warble in your voice that crops up sometimes. So far this feels like an intro song and not actually something meant to stick in your head – maybe it would be good to listen to in the background when it’s raining. Nope, I already have Portishead for that. And like that it’s over. Didn’t do so much for me but at least I’m not mad at it for having to listen to it.

Imagining My Man
Whoa, that’s a deeper voice! This song is apparently about a man too. Alura’s super into dudes. Is the ultra-low voice (with some strange slurring) supposed to be her “man voice”? I’m 90 seconds in and for the first song and a half she’s not really winning me over no matter what her gender. Oh god…this song is six minutes long? CHILDREN SHOUTING HEY TOGETHER HOORAY! That part was nice but it went away pretty quickly and now I am definitely having a harder time with the vocals, especially when she SINGS. SHE IS SINGING NOW CAN YOU TELL BY THE WAY SHE IS SIIIIIIIINGING? I like the two-line chorus all right but by three and a half minutes I’m pretty tuned out to the rest of it. But I do want to listen to Regina Spektor now instead. Too bad, musical wife Regina – I have a commitment to Aluradous for the next seven and a half songs. I was going to say that the last two minutes of the song are just like the first four but a fuzzy saxophone just butted in for the last minute and now there’s no more singing. It makes me think of when a Muppet jumps into the frame and knocks a human out of it. I hate fade-outs but this song has one.

Living The Classics
Lots of finger picking on the guitar and hey right away now we have baby voice singing. And I think she just pronounced “disk” as “deesk”. Wheere is thees women froooom? I just looked it up. New Zealand? I’ve heard a lot of people from New Zealand talk and they don’t sound like this. Maybe she’s part sheep. That’s a New Zealand stereotype, much like the one where women have woman names and sing in the same voice all the time. She’s really breaking from what I know about New Zealand. But I’m mostly focused on that because this song is kind of terrible. Songs three and four on an album should be the best ones! That’s an album rule and there she goes again breaking rules. And then it just ends.

This song is called “Party” and starts with “he took me to a clearing…”. Is this going to be a love song, a breakup song, or a creepy forest assault song? There’s a thumb jammed in her mouth by minute one so it could be any of the three. Oh god. The way “I was as happy as I will ever beeeeeeee” is delivered gets right to the base of my skull. I get that she doesn’t want to be pigeonholed into one vocal style but so far she hasn’t really done any of them well. This sounds like a less creative CocoRosie. I was going to compare her unfavorably to a different female artist on every song but I forgot on the last one. Sorry.  Halfway through this song at least some other people start singing along to even out the sharp edges of her long eeeeeeeeeeeeee’s. That’s a nice bassoon too. Too bad it’s basically repeating the same tricks as the fuzzy sax on song two.

I’m So Sorry
The finger picking is starting to grate on me. Oh Jesus…another different voice. And at this point I’m pretty sure the odd pronunciations of words are a side-effect of trying too hard to sing in weird voices. This song is just casual finger picking (think a tired drunk guy fiddling with an acoustic guitar as the campfire turns to coals) and low, low, low voice. HAHAHA I think she just said someone brought her some milk. She said “it just goes down” and then a chorus of angels repeats it in high voice. Maybe this song was a rejected attempt to create a soundtrack for an ad campaign for milk. I don’t have a female artist to compare her to this time because I don’t know too many women artists who would commit something like this to an album. I feel like Hope Sandoval could have fallen into this trap if she didn’t click with David Roback but that’s a reach. She’s way more talented than Adorama. At least the song forgot about itself around the same time I did.

She sounds like PJ Harvey here, right? “Darlin’” with a snarl over single piano chords – any second now she’s going to start rocking- crap. Another weird voice after the PJ Harvey voice. JUST CHOOSE ONE PLEASE. I was actually really excited about this album after the snippet that I heard but Im looking ahead and 3 ½ more songs feels like an awful lot right now. No drums, no guitar, no beat, nothing but weird voices, the occasional piano chord, and a buzzing sound. There are almost parts of songs here but she can’t commit. Maybe that’s why she was so man crazy earlier. I don’t even know what she’s saying any more but I’m not skipping back to figure out what she’s saying about princesses. I bet if this woman made visual art it would be a doll missing an eye in a wedding dress with a spot of blood on it lying on one side of a bed with the mattress missing.

What If Birds Aren’t Singing They’re Screaming
Did she get the name for this song off a 15-year-old goth’s brand new clever T-Shirt? Hey guess what, another different voice. I’m not going to note it from here on out because it’s a safe bet that the last two songs will also have new voices. “I got high and…” No kidding. You don’t say. I never would have guessed. If she hadn’t just spent six songs destroying my faith in her intelligence I might give this a chance of being commentary on falsely insightful observations but I’m almost sure it’s just her jotting down stupid ideas she and her friends had while smoking weed. This song is no good.

The World Is Looking For You
Warning: This song contains lots of sustained vocal notes. I don’t know what else to say at this point. Aside from “husky” voice this song is indistinguishable from “I’m So Sorry”. Maybe it’s the same song and she’s playing a trick on me. I feel like Laura Marling could have fallen into this trap if she didn’t click with Charlie Fink but that’s a reach. Do you like what I did there?

Swell Does The Skull
The name of this song bugs the hell out of me. What an archaic and pretentious way to structure the phrase. Hey guess what, this song also has no drumming. Or piano. Just that good ol’ guitar and “I don’t waaaaaanaaaaaa be a siiiiiinnerrrrr…”. I get the sense that she really wants to sound older and more experienced then she actually is and is overcompensating. Oh – is that a small string section way in the background? I actually like that effect but it’s not enough to save the song or the album for me at this point. For no reason at all halfway through the song a light distortion filter is applied to her voice and it sounds like misguided production tricks rather than any kind of artistic vision. I guess you add in “with weird voices” and that’s my review of the whole album.

Download links:
You know what...don't download this album. It's terrible.

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