Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Secret Sisters - You Don't Own Me Any More (2017 Full Album FLAC Download From God)

Tennessee River Runs Low
I only heard part of one song from this band but it was enough for me to give the whole thing a shot. I’m a sucker for folksy women singers. So far this has a Ditty Bops ragtime vibe but with mountain men playing the back-up band. There’s a little bit of me that hates what I’m hearing because they sound like they’d be busking outside a farmer’s market with at least one of them wearing a washboard but the plunky banjo and sweet harmonies is doing right by me so far.

I hope the song names cover all the states in a region. The women got a little husky here while they tell me about child abuse and alcoholism. The slow, dark tone doesn’t feel as natural here. In fact, this kind of sounds like modern country-pop just with the production tricks stripped away. The strings are nice (I will say that every time there are strings) but the song is telling not showing and I’m not listening. The last minute of the song is really nice through. This should have been the whole thing.

Carry Me
No state in the name. OK song. Couldn’t hold my attention.

King Cotton
No state in the name, but she’s saying “Alabama” every other word so I’ll count it. By this point I’m feeling like the put-on aspect is too overwhelming for this to have any kind of staying power but it’s not entirely unpleasant. This song in particular is pretty catchy and bouncy with a little saloon piano carrying it along.

Kathy’s Song
“The only truth that I know is you” isn’t the deepest line ever in a song but it was good enough to pull my attention. This is a pretty song AND it has some strings. I think this is supposed to feel sadder than it does but either way it was nice to listen to. Very calm and clear, like the morning after sleeping on not making a bad decision.

He’s Fine
This song bops right along but doesn’t say anything meaningful. I’ll go ahead and assume this is their summer party jam.

To All The Girls Who Cry
I should like this song. I really should. But I don’t. It’s mostly a vocal duet and piano and instead of sounding like a tortured ballad it sounds like a middle school talent show. Even the token strings in the last minute can’t save it. I hate all the girls who cry and this song too. I’m feeling like these songs all should have been about half the length. This kind of music can be fun but you don’t want it to stick around too long.

Little Again
Ooh! The toy piano or whatever that high noise is that opens this album is a treat! The lyrics are a little saccharine but I can still listen to the song and smile as long as I don’t listen to closely to the words.

You Don’t Own Me Anymore
I think this song was written just so that AMC could buy it to feature in an artistically shot show about white trash and the human drama that wends its way through the trailer park. It’s kind of roadhouse blues but GO WOMAN GO I’M TAKING CONTROL AND WALKING AWAY. I guess. I don’t know anything about walking away.

The Damage
Plodding and dark without being hammy. At least as hammy as the last dark song. This song makes me think of a nursery rhyme gone wrong, probably more than a little because it has a “big bad wolf” walking beat. Which probably means “Little Red Riding Hood” but whatever. I think there was a lot of stuff like this in movies in the early ‘90s. I wouldn’t listen to a whole album of this style but it’s an appropriate departure.

‘Til It’s Over
Opens with “Can I sleep…” and the inflection is just enough that I can pretend it’s a direct reference to Willie Nelson’s “Can I sleep in your arms tonight” but in this case she hangs on sleeeep and finishes with “… ‘til it’s over”. I could be reading too much into it but now she said “tears on my pillow” and that’s a song Willie sang, plus he sang about tears a lot. So this is a song for Willie and therefore I love it.

Flee As A Bird
Great song name. Less great song by a minute in. Long, drawn-out a capella so I can’t understand what they’re saying. OK, now I can thanks to the banjo speeding them up a little. Hey, is this a hymn? I’ll check. Yes! It’s a hymn! ( That’s a pretty good hymn.

Album rating: Three and a half ominous hymns out of five. Not bad, but I'll probably only listen to it once or twice more.

Update: This album was better upon repeat listens. I wouldn't update it's ominous hymn score any, but it was definitely more enjoyable the more familiar it became.

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