Friday, February 9, 2018

The Oh Hellos - Eurus (2018 Full Album Leak Download MP3 320)

Oh, hello! This is a live review of The Oh Hellos. Great intro, me.

At maximum volume I can’t hear this nice singing and strumming over the loud talking next to me. That stinks. Let me jam my earbuds in deeper. // Done. That’s a little better. OK, so this sounds like a female-led version of the Strumbellas copying the Lumineers. You know what? I’m mostly OK with this kind of copying. This has a little bit of Riverdance happening in the background though which is not so great. And a really terrible electric guitar something in there too. But the chorus of voices is definitely my thing, especially since I may never get a good Polyphonic Spree album again. The Riverdance stuff gets a little out of hand toward the end.

O Sleeper
That was an abrupt transition. This has wobbling flute and guitar and quiet stuff like I should wake up now. Maybe this will be my new alarm sound. Oh hey…male vocalist this time. Old timey, too. He’s kind of doing an Ian Anderson thing without the unique edge. This one isn’t Riverdance but it’s close. There’s something darkly 90s and new age hiding in the shadows of this album so far. Hey, how come the band name is “Oh” but this song is “O”? The answer must be MARKETING.

Dry Branches
Dumb filler. Burn it like dry bran- oh. I mean O.

I can get behind this. Actually, I should probably stand next to this, put my arm around this’s shoulder, and start kicking my feet out in time to the music. I don’t know if this band is actually Irish or not but I sure hope so because if they’re not this is way pretentious. Nope, American. They said “kin” like they meant it. Even though it’s on the edge of insufferable this song hasn’t quite gone over and I’d totally play a game while this was on in the background. Maybe not listen to it directly again though. They sound a lot like a local cover band that’s excited to finally play the matinee set at the state fair.

A Convocation of Fauns
So apparently the last minute of Eurus was actually this song. I don’t think there was any transition at all.

JAM BAND! I actually really like when albums flow from song to song so I can’t complain too much but the endless mega-riverdance might be a little bit overkill. I can’t tell this song from the last two (one-plus?) at all. And the trailer park drumming is really starting to get to me. This would have been an excellent point in the album for a song that was…anything different from what the first five were.

Back to the woman who sang the first song to close this thing out. I wonder if this would be more my thing if the drummer and electric guitarist got kicked out. Probably only a little more. Because you know what this album did? Made me want a new Saintseneca album since they take folk traditions and do something really special with them. I can’t get past the cover band feeling with the The Oh Hellos.

Final Rating

Four elephant ears out of 10. 10 might seem excessive but once you get past six you’ve crossed a threshold and every one only gets better after that. Not so with the children of Michael Flatley. Who I’m pretty sure is the Riverdance guy. LORD OF THE DANCE!

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