Monday, July 10, 2017

Richard Dawson - Peasant (2017 Full Album Leak Download That's Not Richard Dawkins)

Hooray! It’s mystery time!

*non-live follow-up edit* It turns out that I listened to the songs out of order. It doesn't matter one bit what order you listen to them in though - it still sounds the same.

So far, so horny. This song is two minutes long. The next one is only a minute long. Then there’s a 10-minute song. Does that mean that the first two songs are intros? I hope so, because this one is just some poorly-played trumpet notes. I think he’s spitting in the trumpet at a few points. And I’ve played trumpet so I know what that sounds like. The end of this song is ridiculous because the trumpet spitters start “talking” to each other.


I don’t know what else it could possibly be. And other than that it’s just moaning and whining sounds. I’m really glad this is only a minute long.

This was almost a song with the plucked guitar notes but then all of a sudden it got all poorly played ‘n’ stuff. Drumming! That’s catchy enough but I’m starting to think he doesn’t actually know how to play any of these instruments. Those vocals. Hmm. I certainly like things with worse vocals. This has a little Captain Beefheart to it…sort of. I think he’s sing-shouting in a fake British accent. Unless he’s British, in which case it’s a fake American accent. If I hadn’t had to endure the first two songs I’d probably be more receptive to this song but it’s not the best. His singing is just as rough as his instrument playing but I’m still intrigued. Maybe not for 10 minutes of just this one song intrigued, but still intrigued.

Murder! Yippee! The lyrics were getting intriguing but then OH MY GOD PLEASE JUST LEARN TO PLAY AT LEAST ONE INSTRUMENT PROPERLY. The drums can’t even keep a steady beat. I like Sunset Rubdown (a lot) so I can’t write this off completely yet but it’s just to the wrong side of enjoyable in pretty much every way. And his singing is truly terrible.

It just keeps going. I’m so ready for this to be over but there are three minutes left. How? A new song just started inside the old song but you know how I know it’s still the same song? Because ¾ of the guitar notes are poorly strummed and have that teeth-clenching vibrating sound happening louder than the note itself. I want someone with talent to re-record this song because I still think there’s something worth saving here. Of course, I also thought my ex-wife was worth marrying so you should absolutely not trust my assessment.

Someone else must be playing that violin because it hasn’t messed up anything in the intro. I do like when the vocals are chanted by a chorus. And at least in this song the other voices mostly drown out his rotten voice. I need some more synonyms for “bad” because I’m going to run out really quickly. Oh no, he’s singing solo now. The drumming stopped keeping track of the song, but I think the poor guitar playing might actually be what kills the album for me. “Tie the goats to my cot…”? I think that’s what he said. It was important enough for all the other sounds to drop out of the song so he could warble his way through the line but I don’t understand it. And not in a curiously cryptic way, more in the way of throwing your head back and wailing, “WHYYYYYYYY?”.

What do you know – I actually really like the last two minutes of this song. I’m telling you, I could marry this Richard Dawkins character and turn him around into Moonface Jr AND get him believing in god.

Back to amateur guitar hour with the start of this song. Oh hey…all the song titles are professions! Or…something. I don’t know what they are. But they’re things. And stuff. HIS SINGING SOUNDS LIKE WHEN A POOP MAKES A POOP. There are some mildly enjoyable parts here, but mostly him bi

Someone needs to teach him about song intros. Because this “random tapping and plucking of guitar strings” thing he uses on every song isn’t working. If he could play guitar the intro after the intro would be fun though. As it is, it’s another “almost”. I wonder if this album is an experiment in putting a microphone above a random guy’s shower and turning the results into an album. HAHA he’s singing in ye olde high voice! This is another song where I find myself really enjoying the last couple of minutes once it’s built to a groove, there’s a proper beat, and he’s not singing. That last part is probably key.

No guitar introducing this song, just his “singing voice”. Uh oh…I think this is a ballad. In the most medieval sense of the word, minus any actual song-like qualities. Halfway through and I don’t think I can endure two more minutes of “Richard Dawson’s random thoughts”. This might be the worst song so far.

I forgot to listen to the intro to this song but I’m not going back. I only remembered to pay attention because halfway through it got kind of fun and bouncy and then a minute later someone let their toddler bang on the guitar and it killed it for me. I can hear more of the lyrics on this song than on others and…they’re not good. I think he’s just using old-timey or obscure words to sound more artistic but it doesn’t work that way. “Garment” isn’t that special of a word. It just sounds a little weird. That song built to a groove like some of the others but it wasn’t a very good one.

INTRO REPORT: More stupid blurry string plucking. The actual song has some sing-shouting. This is what it sounds like when your bard has had enough and he’s going to tell you all about it IN SONG. I still like the choir parts, which may include children. The angry tone is just not working. I couldn’t say for sure what the tone of the other songs was but this one is definitely going for “angry”. It’s making him hit the guitar strings even harder so they vibrate more. I’m almost done with the album so it’s pretty clear that the crummy guitar playing is his thing.

What the heck is a “hob”? Not a beggar, because that’s the next song. Now I have to look this up because from what I can understand of the lyrics this might be some kind of ominous monster adventure. With a dead baby. Is it an upcoming video game? “Hob is not only beautiful to watch and play, but pure fun to play.” Probably not that. I don’t see any dead babies in the description. The song is another one that’s mostly vocals so I’m enjoying the distraction of looking up this “hob” thing. It’s probably “a household spirit in Northern England” but I’d much rather think that he’s talking about a character in Robocop 2. This song will never end. It’s so bad. So, so, so, so, so, so, bad. Or as Richard Dawson would say, “bæddel”.

Praise the olde lorde, it’s almost over. Wow, only some of the notes in the intro are messed up. That’s a big improvement over the rest of the songs. It’s trying to hit a groove earlier too…welp, he just killed it by singing. I’m just going to put in some of the lyrics now instead of writing a review because I feel like these lyrics really do this song justice:

If you rely on the kindness of strangers
It helps to have a hound for a handmaid
Not only for the superior nose
Or companionship
Often people stop to talk with me
Having never seen before such a very beautiful snow-coloured collie

And you better bet that the “u” in “coloured” is important. Since we’re doing lyrics now, this song ends with:

And scream at the sinking stars
"Can you ever forgive me?"

Nope! I can’t!

Final rating: One and a half dead dogs out of five. I’m still going to marry him in the desperate hope that I can turn him into Spencer Krug but realistically I know we’ll get divorced within days if nothing else than because I have to listen to him talk in Olde English all the time.

Download links:


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