Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Daniel Romano - Modern Pressure (2017 Leak Full Album Download)

Ugly Human Heart Pt. 1
That’s some noise, all right. Hmm. That voice. Dylan with a small breath of helium? The Chimpunks version of him? I’m going to spend the whole song thinking about why this voice sounds slightly off instead of enjoying the catchy little ditty. I like the drumming happening in my left ear. Good work on that tom. I’m kind of over the “part one” thing due to some bad recent experiences but I love the idea of continued themes/reprises so I’ll stick with it. Or just go listen to old Willie Nelson because he’s the best at that. He’s the best at everything. This song’s review turned into mostly me talking about Dylan and Willie Nelson.

Modern Pressure
Hey there, standard rock intro. His voice sounds sharper here and the guitar is sharp too. And the guitar interplay is annoying. And I hope that strange crashing sound 40 seconds in is just from the video and not the actual track. I should like the strings and horns but this song sounds a little strained. Sharp and strained and I’m missing my good friend the tom-tom from the last song. Huh. I might have to go back and listen to this again later. It’s too disjointed on first listen and I was pressured into thinking this was the second coming of Bob Dylan riding on the shoulders of Pink Floyd. You know, there’s actually a lot of Pink Floyd in this song now that I think of it. I don’t like most Pink Floyd that much.

Have we gotten to the cheese yet? All I’ve wanted since hearing this guy’s name is some cheese. And I even had cheese for breakfast. But man…I’d kill for some good romano melted on buttered toast with lots of black pepper right now. I’d kill the Pink Floyd part of the music so that I could enjoy some Romano cheese and some Romano Dylan all at the same time. This is better than the last song but I don’t like too much I’M PLAYING ELECTRIC GUITAR SO LISTEN TO ME PLAY IT PLAYFULLY guitar work and I think there’s going to be a lot of that on this album. So while this song is better than the last, for the most part it sounds totally generic rock to me.

The Pride Of Queens
I really hope this is about proud royalty and/or gay men and not Queens, NY. Because I really hate songs about New York. Most anything about New York, really. It’s why Louie and Master of None are so annoying. Well, one of the reasons. There’s some Dylan here, but I promise myself that from this point forward I won’t mention Dylan again. Because there’s not really that much. Just kind of a nasal voice and some folkier instruments. Like the electric organ. A folk electric organ. AND A STUPID DISTORTED ELECTRIC GUITAR. This whole album is feeling like early 90s rock to me, not late 60s folk. I like one of those much better than the other. Also, this song is about stupid New York.  I think I’d rather be listening to Spin Doctors.

When I Learned Your Name
Canned cheering, backwards music, and a DEELE-EE-DEEDLE-EE-DOO electric guitar intro. It’s not Spin Doctors I’m thinking of, but it will come to me. I definitely listened to this album in 1991 thanks to a friend’s Columbia House cassette membership. Does this have elements of Rod Stewart? It does. That’s not a good thing. “Maggie you grew into you”? Hand claps, too. This song is for dumb babies who are dumb.

Sucking The Old World Dry
He sure seems to be sucking the old world dry. The old world of every band Interscope and Reprise could sign that sounded like “alternative rock”. The distortion so bad it’s static is kind of a neat effect, but not neat enough to push past the completely uninspired rest of the song.

Ugly Human Heart Pt. 2
This better be good. I was super into the story and need to know how it ends. This song was pretty good, but it was really short. So altogether I have one complete song I like all right off the album so far.

Impossible Green
Have I been thinking of early 90s Tom Petty all this time? Maybe. But this song for sure. It’s OK. Mostly by comparison. These songs all have this edge to them without actually saying or doing anything edgy.

Jennifer Castle
Yeah, I’m thinking it was Petty. But none of these are “Into The Great Wide Open” or “Learning To Fly”. Although I know someone who will like this song because of the line “Jennifer, the mother of us all”. This song is pretty straightforward Americana folk-rock whatever so again by comparison we’re in a strong part of the album. Weird fade out. And now weird fade in. I thought a new song started but really it was just the ALL REVERB UNDERWATER remix of the last song, now with more clapping. What a stupid way to end a reasonable song. Complaining about “all these fake love songs” is more than a little trite.

Dancing With The Lady In The Moon
“I guess I do some heavy blinkin’” is actually an awesome line. Some of the best lyrics on the album on this song. Awkward time change and lame chorus, but at least there were a handful of lines that haven’t been rock music tropes for the last 40 years or more. Something rotten happens after the chorus and the 90s just explode all over the place but if you wade through the mess there’s a little more song scattered throughout the rest of the track.

I Tried To Hold The World (In My Mouth)
When he holds the world in his mouth, does it make him sing in a weird low voice? I guess we were due for this version of the musical history of the early 90s before the album ended. For every Flaming Lips who took psychedelia and made it their own, then did something new there were 100 more bands who just didn’t understand what they were playing with and instead of making art bought more effects pedals. The Romano Cheese man has a lot of effects pedals.

What’s To Become Of The Meaning Of Love
“Everything growing continues to grow”…as much as I want this to be a clever reference to the line in “Jennifer Castle”, I haven’t gotten any indication that this is anything other than someone who isn’t very poetic to begin with trying to come up with more words to fill an album that’s way too long for what it is (a throwback homage to an era no one loved). That said, there’s a real opportunity here for someone to write a concept album around the idea of the passage of time where everything is fixed and nothing anyone does influences that fixed four-dimensional image. This cheese-man album isn’t it though.

Final rating: One hole in the slice of Swiss out of five. Mr. Romano doesn’t even rate real Romano cheese. I can’t believe Bob Dylan talked me into listening to this album.

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