Monday, April 2, 2018

Hot Chris Bun - A Live Review Of Hamilton: Cross Bun (Full Album Leak Download)

I wrote this intro last. Mostly because I forgot to at first but also because someone was scandalized that I would live review something that wasn’t an album. Well guess what – this is an album. Too bad for you the RIAA already removed my download links.

Bite One
That’s not as soft as I thought it would be.
A mess! I don’t like mess!
There is icing on my lip.
I think this was a poem.

Bite Two
I don’t like burned things. The bottom part of this bite was burned. Too bad, because I like the rest of what’s happening here. I don’t know why I was warned about too much cardamom. If anything, I’d say there’s not enough too much cardamom. Not that I know how much cardamom is supposed to be in a hot cross bun. I just took a sip of cold coffee and the burned part isn’t so bad.

Bite Three
Is this even a hot cross bun? I don’t know anything about them except for the song. I’m halfway done – this bite was awesome. No burned part, soft and not too crumbly. Tastes kind of like Pan de Muerto. I’m halfway done with my bun, what fun!

Bite Four
No icing. A real misstep on my part. I’m realizing too late that you have to strategically bite this bun to ensure a little icing in every bite.

Bite Five
I’m conflicted. This bite had extra icing (good) but the rest of the burned edge from bite two (bad). Overall more good than bad though because there was bun in between. And also…raisin? Is there a single raisin in the bun (by Lorraine Hansberry)?

Bite Six
Maybe the raisin is a thing with hot cross buns. This bite was too big but half would have been too small. I planned well though, and it was the best tasting of the bites. OK, so I just learned that hot cross buns are a thing for Good Friday. Which was days ago. Was I fed a stale hot cross bun? Maybe. Did I like it anyway?

Final rating: Seven raisins out of 10. Even though I only actually got one raisin, this was a solid bun and there was just the right amount of icing cross once I learned the appropriate eating strategy. I would have liked six more raisins and the one edge to not be burned but overall I prefer this to a bun that is neither nhot nor cross.

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